Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Protection of Ignorance

Could it be that the republicans in Congress are only there to line their own pockets? As easy as this is to believe, it simply isn't the case. Not all republicans are evil. Not even all of the leadership are evil. The problem is fear and self preservation. If you disagree with the current administration, you are destroyed. Right and wrong does not matter. The facts are irrelevant. They will use the full power of the federal government and spare no taxpayer dollar in the quest. We have seen it with John McCain, John Kerry, Valerie Plame, Richard Clark and countless others. If you suggest wrongdoing on their part, they attack you, attack your character, get people to lie about you and do everything they can, except actually address the allegations.

What is a hapless republican to do? The answer, put their head in the sand until it is over. The problem is if they know about wrongdoing and do nothing, it will reflect badly on them when it comes out. If it was their job to look for that wrongdoing and they look the other way, that is the definition of corruption. That is what the "Terrorist Surveillance Act of 2006" is all about. Introduced by Senator Mike DeWine (R-Ohio), this bill is an attempt to not do their job. They know that if they actually did provide oversight to the president, as the Constitution states they must, they would have to deal with all of the illegal actions. This bill basically states "we are going to make the illegal parts of what has been revealed so far legal, and we are going to make it not our job to ask questions about the rest."

Why do we need congress if it is not going to do it's job?


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