Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Secretary of Torture

Salon.com Reported that Donald Rumsfeld was personally involved in the interrogation of the real "20th Hijacker" (not Moussaoui). Mohammed al-Kahtani was subjected to humiliating treatment, sleep deprivation, etc. According to interviews with Lt. Gen. Randall M. Schmidt and Gen. James T. Hill, Rumsfeld personally approved of many of the tactics currently drawing criticism from the international community, as well as encouraging them to be creative.

How long will we allow war crimes to be committed in our names? How long will we sit back while the coffers of both Iraq and the USA are being dumped into the pockets of Cheney and company? Why isn't it obvious that the only reason you would invade a country without having an exit strategy would be if exiting wasn't part of your strategy? We are there to stay, or at least until they find a way to throw off the shackles we have on them.


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