GOP: Symbolism over Substance
The GOP in the Senate are once again demonstrating that they care more about symbols of rights than they do rights themselves. They have once again proposed a constitutional amendment to ban burning of the flag. This after a dramatic 33% rise in flag desecration incidents in the past year. In 2004 there were 3 incidents, but in 2005 that number sharply rose to 4! It is unclear if this figure includes any poor, who cannot afford heating oil, burning it for warmth this winter.
Ever astute, GOP Senator Arlen Specter opened the debate with these words; "I think of the flag as a symbol of what veterans fought for, what they sustained wounds for, what they sustained loss of limbs for and what they sustained loss of life for." Well, DUH! It is the symbol of our country, and they fought for our country, so that is pretty obvious.
This leaves us to ask, how many American veterans died for a symbol? How many laid down their life because they believed that a symbol was all important? I imagine they would be few. I think most who laid down their lives believe that they did it for freedom, not for a symbol of freedom.
It is disgraceful for the the GOP to dishonor the sacrifice these brave men and women have made. Now they are taking those freedoms that these soldiers died for, gutting them, and claiming that they are doing it in the name of patriotism. If the GOP has their way the only thing our brave soldiers will have died for is a piece of cloth. These men need to be removed from office before they turn the Constitution into just a piece of paper!